"Dr. Evil" |
Man, can you believe the hype? Yesterday, the MegaMillions lottery was at $355 MILLION dollars! I can't even say that number without conjuring up an image of Dr. Evil. "One MILLION dollars"! I'm still chuckling.
The media hype surrounding this dream-inspiring jackpot is phenomenal. People were lining up around the block to change their paychecks into lottery tickets and their lottery tickets into a brand-new life.
But why? Sure, we hear the reasons. Get out of debt. Go on vacation. Buy a new car. Take their favorite chiropractor out to lunch. I'm chuckling again....(but I like Babbo. Just sayin')
Presto-Change-O...New Life!
The desire for the quick fix is huge. We are taught this at an early, happy meal age. If we wait in line at the sandwich shop for more than a minute, we start getting fidgety! Stuck on the tarmac at Sky Harbor? Griping about it? Hey, you are on a tube, about to fly through the sky! Helloooo! Its a miracle- relax a bit and be thankful that you're not taking the covered wagon to see grandma back East.
Thanks for your patience with my tirade. My point is this: You have one body. You, ultimately, are responsible for it. Your choices of food, exercise habits, vitamins, even the doctors you choose to go to all are your choices that will impact your life. (Ask your doctor- did you graduate last in your class? Just a thought. Somebody had to be last in their class!)
So we strongly urge you to make great choices. Not good choices. This is YOU we're talking about. Take care of the shell that God gave you. We have a litany of new technologies that are available to YOU to improve your health. An amazing, full-body detoxification system is available next week. Erchonia cold laser is unparalleled in what it can accomplish (when used right!). Proper supplementation, Power Plate Vibration Therapy strengthening, and MUCHO MORE!!
If you are going to make 2011 a new year, a new catalyst for a healthy change, then call our office and get your first full-body detoxification at no-charge. This one is on me. Tell Shannon or Diane that I said so.
Rockin' a healthy body in 2011! ~~
Dr. Koch