Friday, October 28, 2011

Scarier than a ghost!

There may be something right behind you, right now, slowly draining the life out of you!  Argghhh!!!  No seriously, I'm not kidding you at all.  It is with your kids and spouse too.  Have you figured it out yet?

Let me help dispel the spookiness- the thing that is sucking the life out of you is not a vampire, but a vertebral subluxation! And it really does rob your body of life.

There is a Medical Doctor in the University of Colorado named Dr. Chung Su (did I spell that right?) and he figured out that if a bone in your spine isn't moving properly, it can cut off up to HALF of the information flowing through it!  That, my friends, is bad.  How long could you last only breathing in halfway?  How long can your organs be robbed of that life before you finally feel a symptom?  How long, for example, can your stomach get improper information before you start having indigestion?  Drugs aren't the answer my friends...

The solution isn't more garlic (though I love Italian food) or a big cross (though my faith is strong), or a silver bullet (the NRA doesn't bug me).  The answer lies in the CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT!

So don't let your spine get on your nerves.  Come in for your adjustment and get your life back!  :)

Call our office for an appointment!!  623-512-4040

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